Report on the 3rd Annual Health Research & Policy Conference



The 3rd Annual Health Research & Policy Conference took place from May 20-21, 2024, at the Kigali Convention Center. With the theme “The National Health Research Agenda: Advancing Research for a Healthy Rwanda,” the conference aimed to elevate healthcare in Rwanda by convening policymakers, researchers, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders to address Rwanda’s specific health needs.


Conference Overview

Opening Remarks

The conference kicked off with inspiring opening remarks from key figures in the healthcare sector, setting a collaborative and forward-thinking tone.


Keynote Speakers and Panelists

Distinguished speakers and panelists, including renowned experts such as Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana, Dr. Yvan Butera, Prof. Leon Mutesa, and Prof. Jeanine Condo among others, shared insights and expertise.


Conference Objectives

The conference focused on four key objectives:

Connecting the Health Research Community: Fostering collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals.

Promoting Grassroots Research: Encouraging local initiatives to tackle Rwanda’s health challenges.

Translating Research into Policy: Discussing ways to integrate research findings into effective health policies.

Evaluating Innovative Healthcare Approaches: Exploring and promoting innovative methods to enhance healthcare delivery.


Key Sessions and Discussions

Parallel Sessions

Attendees had the opportunity to participate in parallel sessions covering various health topics, including infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, pandemic preparedness, data science, clinical trials, maternal and child health, and innovation.


Panel Discussions

In-depth panel discussions delved into critical health-related issues, providing diverse perspectives and solutions.

3MT Competition

Early career researchers showcased innovative research in a dynamic three-minute thesis competition, highlighting emerging ideas and advancements.

Evening Symposia

Informal networking sessions facilitated collaboration and idea exchange among attendees, fostering a vibrant community of healthcare professionals.


Detailed Account of My Presentation

Title: “Leveraging eHealth Solutions for Enhanced Management of Hepatitis B Virus: A Cross-Sectional Study”

Presenter: KAZUMUHIRE Consolée, M.Sc. Health Informatics, UR/CEBE

The presentation focused on the potential of eHealth solutions to revolutionize HBV management in Rwanda, emphasizing the need for further research and implementation efforts.


The conference attracted over 500 participants, including policymakers, researchers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from international organizations, reflecting widespread interest and engagement.

Sponsors and Partners

The event was made possible by the generous support of sponsors and partners, including WHO, UNFPA, PIH, Jhpiego, Rinda Ubuzima, CHAI, Enabel, UR, and CIIC-HIN, underscoring the collaborative spirit of the conference.

Launch Events

Notable launch events included the unveiling of the National Health Research Agenda and the National Strategic Plan for Research, Innovation, and Data Science, marking significant milestones in Rwanda’s healthcare landscape.


Outcomes and Future Directions

Key outcomes of the conference included a renewed emphasis on integrating eHealth tools into HBV management, the identification of barriers and solutions for effective implementation, and a commitment to ongoing research and development in eHealth.



The 3rd Annual Health Research & Policy Conference was a pivotal event, bringing together stakeholders to advance healthcare in Rwanda. From insightful discussions to innovative presentations, the conference showcased the collective efforts towards a healthier Rwanda, leaving attendees inspired and motivated to continue the journey of healthcare transformation.