Technological advancements are revolutionizing healthcare. Here are 10 groundbreaking technologies that will strongly determine how medicine will be practiced in the future.

The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of our very eyes with advances in digital healthcare technologies, such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-printing, robotics or nanotechnology. We have to familiarize ourselves with the latest developments to be able to control technology and not the other way around.

The future of healthcare lies in working hand-in-hand with technology. Healthcare workers have to embrace emerging healthcare technologies to stay relevant in the coming years.

Be bold, curious, and informed!

Fear of robots taking over healthcare jobs, AI taking control of the world and growing virtual reality addiction are common and may seem unrelated, but ultimately they all represent a fear of the unknown future. But no matter how scary the future might seem at the moment, we cannot stop technological development; and sooner or later we will find out that whole areas of our lives have been transformed through various technologies.

Thus, our task is to turn to technologies with an open mind and to prepare for the changing world with as much knowledge as possible.

Technology can only aid and improve our lives if we stand on its shoulders and if we are always (at least) two steps ahead. But if we adhere to this rule, the cooperation between people and technology could result in amazing achievements.

By embracing digital technology in healthcare, we can create sustainable systems, equalize doctor-patient relationships, and find more effective solutions for diseases, ultimately leading to healthier individuals and communities. It’s essential to start by improving our health and attitude towards health, medicine, and healthcare through digital technologies.

Top healthcare technologies

As you are probably well aware, we did our fair share in this preparation, writing hundreds of articles, creating hundreds of videos, publishing dozens of studies and research papers, and of course, writing a good number of books.

So what does it all look like in practice? To serve as an introduction, this article will explore 10 ways in which medical technology is reshaping healthcare. For more in-depth analysis and further examples, I invite you to check The Guide to the Future of Medicine.


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